About Cynthia Nyongesa
Ms. Nyongesa believes in giving a voice to the untold stories of African youth. She also interviews game changers in diverse industries across the globe. Cynthia Untamed has created opportunities for young people such as accessing further education and accessing mentors.
Currently, Ms. Nyongesa works with UNICEF Kenya as a Youth Advocate. Through this, she supports the Communication, Advocacy and Partnerships team to reach out to children and youth in Kenya to advocate for their rights through UNICEFs digital platforms and workshops. In addition, she is the Generation Unlimited Youth Ambassador for Kenya where she advises the global secretariat on its governance and advocacy structure towards the youth and has had a vital role in coordinating the Generation Unlimited Youth Challenge in Kenya. Ms Nyongesa holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Nairobi.
She is articulate in voicing the issues of young people centered on education, engagement and employment and has represented Kenya in global youth events such as the UNICEF Generation 2030 workshop for the future of African children in South Africa, the 3rd Pan African Youth Conference in Ethiopia and the World Bank Youth Summit in the United States of America.
To share the stories of young Africans who are positively impacting their communities using fundamental life, social and effective decision- making skills in addition to limited resources. The objective is to create groundbreaking opportunities for them and to enable fellow youth to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.